団員募集/Recruitment of members

定例練習日/Regular practice day

毎週月曜日 午後7:00-9:30

Every Monday 7:00-9:30 p.m.

練習場所/Practice place

倉敷市文化交流会館(倉敷市美和1-13-33) 大練習室

Kurashiki City Cultural Exchange Building (Kurashiki City Miwa 1-13-33) Dai Rensyu-shitsu

活動趣旨/The purpose of the activity


The purpose is to improve the mutual friendship and performance skills of the members through the performance, and at the same time to contribute to the improvement of the culture of the local community through performance activities.

団員資格/Member qualification


You can agree with the purpose of the Kurashiki Orchestra’s activities and participate in weekly practice and regular concerts.
Also, be able to actively participate in annual events.

募集パート/Recruitment part


All string parts and percussionists

費用負担/Cost burden


We do not collect the current group fee. However, you are responsible for the ticket quota for the regular concert.

入団手続き/Entry procedure


We do not conduct auditions when joining the team, but we will make a decision to join the team after participating in the practice together as a trial entry for a certain period of time.

If you understand the above and wish to join the group, please enter the necessary information “Name, age, desired part, orchestra experience, contact information” in the body of the message of the following form and send it. The person in charge will contact you within a few days.